8 Steps To Get Started With Meditation


I love meditation which is why it’s part of my daily mindfulness practice. 

There are so many benefits I’ve experienced on my journey through the power of meditation, such as inner peace and clarity. Before we dive into the steps, I’m going to share my definition with you based on what I’ve experienced.

Meditation is a time where you can be present and still in the moment where you get to take time out to build a connection and an intimate relationship with your true inner-self. This is really about understanding who you are deep within, because the more you understand your true self, the more it will help you to develop clarity of mind to guide you on the path to understanding your purpose, and what you truly desire in life.

Now, there is one misconception when it comes to meditation and it’s that we have to stop our thoughts. But, here’s the thing, the brain is always working. So, instead of denying our thoughts, it’s about understanding that we have the power within to decide how much attention we give to the thoughts that flow through our mind during our meditation practice.

Instead of getting frustrated and/or trying to get rid of those thoughts, acknowledge and show gratitude for them. Some of the thoughts that have flowed through my mind during my meditation practice have actually helped to guide me in various different situations in life and formed new ideas so don’t beat yourself or get frustrated, instead simply embrace it.

So now that I’ve shared a definition with you and one misconception, let’s get into the steps.

1. Select a time that works for you

I meditate at different times of the day. Sometimes it’s in the morning and sometimes it’s at night. There is no set time of day everyone must follow. It’s about doing it at a time that feels right for you, and when you actually have the headspace to do so. Don’t focus on the ‘fit in a box’ advice out there. Personally when I did focus on the fit in a box advice, meditating started to feel more like a chore than anything else.

2. Choose a peaceful space in your home

Think of a space in your home that is quiet, free from distractions and that you’re going to be nice and comfy in. I tend to just sit on my yoga mat or directly on the floor in my bedroom because it’s my fav space to be in when I want to wind down and relax. You may also want to try having some relaxing music on in the background.

3. Take a moment to stretch

I love Cat-Cow and Child’s Pose which are both yoga poses. Stretching will help with preparing your body by loosening your joints and increasing your blood flow to the muscles.

4. Find your meditative posture

Now in terms of how you sit, it’s incredibly important that you sit in a way that is going to be comfortable for you. There is no need to try and bend your legs like a pretzel! You can sit cross-legged on the floor with your palms facing upwards so they are open to receive. You can gently rest your palms facing down on your knees or in your lap. Pick an option that you’re comfortable with.

If sitting on the floor feels uncomfortable, you can sit with a yoga mat under you or some blankets to lift you up, for example. Or, you can decide to do your meditation sitting in a chair, but be sure to sit in a chair that’s gonna support your posture and allow you to sit upright.

5. Set your intention

Before you begin your meditation practice, think about what your intentions are for meditating. Why do you want to meditate, what is it that you want to gain and experience from your practice? It’s great to be able to meditate, but having a purpose behind it makes it a richer and more meaningful experience.

6. Notice your breathing

Take a few deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth. Listen and pay attention to your breath and focus on the rhythm of your breathing.

7. Use an app

There are two apps I recommend and the first one is Calm, which is my favourite, or Headspace, which will guide you through your meditation sessions each day. Research different apps on the market as there are tons out there to choose from. You can also meditate without an app and just set a timer for 5 or 10 mins.

8. Be consistent

Challenge yourself to meditate daily. The amount of time you meditate is completely down to you, and if you fall off track like I have in the past – keep going. I started with baby steps until I got to a point where I could meditate for an hour, which isn’t a regular occurrence for me but does feel good. Some days I may just do 5 minutes and that’s okay.

Are you a fan of meditation? If not, is it something you’re going to try after reading this post?

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

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